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Flexibility and breadth of experience with a range of industries.

We Seek Businesses Meeting These Criteria


Early Stage

Early Stage businesses typically less than 5 years old



Positioned in markets experiencing growth locally and Internationally



Typical Enterprise value between $2 - $10 Million


Cash Flow

3-Year history of positive and growing EBITDA year over year


Quality Team

Proven and experienced management teams with a track record


Large Targeted Market

Products and Services applicable to additional industries and geographies


Awareness Of Risks

Clear and Identifiable risks with a plan to mitigate the impact


Competitive Edge

Proprietary workflow or technology that sets you apart from your competitors

Value Creation

Our flexible investment mandate allows us to tailor a customized investment approach to every deal.

Flexible and Tailored: Ability to craft our transaction structures and operational support to meet the unique needs and strategies of each business in which we invest

Patient: Ability to make long-term investments and become trusted partners with portfolio companies without specified exit timeframes or obligations regarding investment horizons

Speed and Certainty: Ability to navigate difficult and time-sensitive transactions and execute with a rapid and transparent closing process, often with no financing contingencies

Our team takes a disciplined approach to value creation and will focus on four key areas:

Strategy: Active partnership with management teams to develop a detailed strategic plan focused on organic and inorganic growth, corporate governance and increasing cash flow

Operations: Drive transformation with operational optimization initiatives through the deep experience of our team and operating partners

People: Incentivize through competitive management compensation packages, supplement management with world-class executive talent, establish positive ownership culture and attract operational and strategic-focused Board of Directors members

Financials: Utilize conservative financing structures with moderate leverage levels coupled with additional equity capital available to support growth investments and synergistic add-on acquisitions

Have an opportunity? 

Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

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